Meet Me in Madrid by Verity Lowell is available in trade paperback and eBook on October 26th!
In this sexy, sophisticated romantic comedy, two women juggle romance and career across continents.
Charlotte Hilaire has a love-hate relationship with her work as a museum courier. On the one hand, it takes her around the world. On the other, her plan to become a professor is veering dangerously off track.
Yet once in a while, maybe every third trip or so, the job goes delightfully sideways…
When a blizzard strands Charlotte in Spain for a few extra days and she’s left with glorious free time on her hands, the only question is: Dare she invite her grad school crush for an after-dinner drink on a snowy night?
Accomplished, take-no-prisoners art historian Adrianna Coates has built an enviable career since Charlotte saw her last. She’s brilliant. Sophisticated. Impressive as hell and strikingly beautiful.
Hospitable, too, as she absolutely insists Charlotte spend the night on her pullout sofa as the storm rages on.
One night becomes three and three nights become a hot and
adventurous long-distance relationship when Charlotte returns to the States.
But when Adrianna plots her next career move just as Charlotte finally opens a
door in academia, distance may not be the only thing that keeps them apart.
Buy Meet Me in
Madrid by Verity Lowell
Harlequin.com | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository
“I’m putting your very nice suitcase in my room,” a
breathless Adrianna said as soon as she closed the apartment door behind her.
“It won’t fit in the study.”
It would have fit in the study. But it fit a lot better
in the bedroom.
“I’m out here,” Charlotte informed her. She had taken the
bottle and glasses and resituated herself on the living room sofa. If it had
been in the States, the long, upholstered couch with its plethora of throw
pillows would have sat smack-dab in front of a flat-screen TV. This one, by
refreshing contrast, faced a wall of tall, arched casement windows looking onto
mostly sky and a distant cityscape punctuated by the city’s numerous church
towers. Today the potted trees and summer furniture on the neighboring
balconies were coated with an inch or two of velvety snow.
What sun there had been was already dimming.
Adrianna was surprised, but certainly not disappointed,
to find Charlotte curled up at one end of said sofa, glass in hand, taking it
all in just as she herself liked to do at sunset.
“It’s beautiful,” Charlotte said. “Doesn’t look like any
place else I’ve been.”
“Sure doesn’t.” Adrianna sat down close beside Charlotte.
Encouragingly close, she hoped.
Charlotte filled Adrianna’s flute with pale bubbly and
raised hers in a wordless toast. Their glasses clinked.
“What are we drinking to?” Adrianna asked.
“Bank closures and oversold hotels?” Charlotte replied
with a laugh and a gulp. Her legs were folded under her and as she went to set
down her glass, she slipped into Adrianna’s shoulder, not seeming to mind at
all when Adrianna leaned into her and caught her eye.
“If you’d have looked at me like that in school, I’m not
sure what I would have done,” Charlotte said.
“I can’t promise I never did,” Adrianna admitted. “Especially
there at the end.”
“You were definitely shopping around at one point, as I
recall. Like a freshman for new classes,” Charlotte said. “Least that’s what
it looked like from where I stood.”
“I was a train wreck,” Adrianna said solemnly. “My ex
cheated on me with someone I cared about and I was worried to death I wouldn’t
get a job—and interviewing cross-country practically every week while I
finished the last chapter of my diss. Those days seem incomparably easy, yet
completely impossible when I look back. But I fucked things up with a lot of
people and I hate thinking about it.”
“Your heart was broken,” Charlotte said, reaching for the
cava. She’d stopped looking at Adrianna but her voice conveyed empathy.
Had someone broken Charlotte’s heart? Adrianna wanted
badly to know.
“And I did that to others in return,” she said.
“You are indeed a heartbreaker,” Charlotte laughed.
“You’re one to talk,” Adrianna replied. “I can’t believe
you weren’t dating your pretty little ass off—or seeing faculty on the sly at
least. I don’t think I do believe it.”
“Well, you can believe it or not. I’m not saying I didn’t
sleep around some. But grads and faculty were off-limits. Not out of moral
approbation. I just knew it would throw me off my game. I don’t mind telling
you I had tempting offers from both parties.”
Good thing Adrianna wasn’t one of those former suitors.
It was so much better finding her again like this, now that they were both past
the stage of perpetual heightened insecurity. Now that there was no history
with Charlotte, only possibility.
Neither of them were drunk, just usefully relaxed, their
inhibitions disarmed by the alcohol, their focus sharpened by the caffeine.
Adrianna set down her own near-empty glass and turned
toward Charlotte.
“Let’s toast to layovers instead.”
“With what?”
“Come here,” Adrianna said, just to see how Charlotte reacted
to being told what to do.
“Make me,” she replied, finishing what was left in her
flute and starting to rise.
“Where are you going now?”
“I’m thirsty. Think I’ll get a glass of water…”
“Fuck the water,” Adrianna said. She pulled Charlotte
back down to her for a deep, wet kiss that burned deliciously from the
sparkling wine in her mouth and on their lips. Charlotte responded with a kind
of unrestraint, immediately taking the lead. God did she. Adrianna suddenly
seemed to feel her touch everywhere.
It was one of those moments when you don’t realize how
much you want something—someone—until she’s within reach. She wasn’t
going to lose her second chance.
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About Verity Lowell
Verity Lowell is a professor and occasional curator who writes queer of color romance. She likes imagining and describing a world where art, ambition, and history provide the background for diverse and steamy love stories, mostly about women falling hard for women. She and her partner and their cats live in New England and sometimes elsewhere.
Find Verity Lowell
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