As of 3/13/25, I am not taking on review requests. Please do not spam me with requests.
A: Contacting me through email is best though I am from a generation of networking so if you want contact me by any other means, I'll still respond. Here are links to my facebook & twitter.
Q: What happens when a giveaway winner does not respond within 5 days?
A: If the winner doesn't respond within 5 days, I will pick another name and they will have 5 days to respond. I understand that stuff happens and you're not able to contact me in time, but without rules the world will be chaotic.
Q: How do I send you a copy to review?
A: I have a kindle, so mobi files are preferred, but I also use other reading apps as well. My kindle address is and I also accept pdf versions as well. For any other format, please email me first to confirm.