June 30, 2014

Release Blitz: Mosaic by Leigh T. Moore

at 6/30/2014 02:30:00 AM 0 comments
Mosaic Release Banner

Title: Mosaic (Dragonfly #4)
Author: Leigh Talbert Moore
Release Date: June 30, 2014
Genre: YA/NA Romance


Mosaic Ebook Cover

Mosaic, the exciting conclusion to The Dragonfly series, coming June 30, 2014!

The future never goes as planned.
People are never what they seem.
Time changes everything.

So you want to know what happened to Anna and Julian? Well, listen up, because I’ve got the whole scoop. I’m Jules, btw, and I am an artist, as you already know if you’ve read Watercolor. What you might not know is I inherited my mother’s cute little newsy nose, thank you very much.

It’s high school reunion time, and everyone’s coming back to Fairview—everyone who’s not already there, mind you. What went wrong, who’s fault it was, and why the heck nobody knew about me… it’s all coming out.

Long-distance relationships rarely last, and a lot of water has passed under that bridge. Big Secrets will be exposed, and in the end we’ll know if that old saying is true: Love is stronger than time.

Purchase the Series

Dragonfly series

Dragonfly (Dragonfly, #1) *Free*

Undertow (Dragonfly, #2)

Watercolor (Dragonfly, #3)

Mosaic (Dragonfly, #4)

KOBO  |  Smashwords  |  Amazon UK 

About the Author


I'm the hat lady--wife, mom, reader, writer, caffeine addict, chocoholic, southern expat, and beach bum.

*LIKE my Facebook page for daily updates, new release announcements, and sale info!

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*I LOVE hearing from readers! Send feedback, ask questions, or say hello at leightmoore(at)gmail.com.

*And I share books I think RULE on Goodreads! Be a friends!


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Cover Reveal: Outside the Box by Rochelle Paige

at 6/30/2014 02:23:00 AM 0 comments
Outside the Box FRONT

Title: Outside the Box (Blythe College #3)
Author: Rochelle Paige
Release Date: July 2014



Aubrey earned her love ‘em and leave ‘em reputation with her serial dating past. A pregnancy scare makes her see the light and change her ways. She gets serious about school and stops dating – until she meets Luka and falls head over heels for him.

Luka doesn’t trust easily after having his heart crushed by the girl next door. When he meets Aubrey, he doesn’t think she’s relationship material because of her past – even though he’s drawn to her.

What happens when the girl who always ran the moment a relationship got serious meets The One? Will Aubrey be able to get Luka to see her Outside the Box he’s put her in?

Blythe College1

Summer Nights (Blythe College, #2.5)

Push the Envelope (Blythe College, #1)

Hit the Wall (Blythe College, #2)

About the Author

I absolutely adore reading - always have and always will. My friends growing up used to tease me when I would trail after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. If I have downtime, odds are you will find me reading or writing.

I am the mother of two wonderful sons who have inspired me to chase my dream of being an author. I want them to learn from me that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.

When I told my mom that my new year's resolution was to self-publish a book in 2013, she pretty much told me "About time!"


OTB cover

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June 25, 2014

Release Blitz & Cover Reveal: Come Back & Come by J.A. Huss

at 6/25/2014 11:00:00 AM 0 comments
Title: Come (Dirty, Dark, & Deadly #1)
Author: JA Huss
Genre: Erotic Suspense
Release Date: June 25, 2014



My name is James Fenici and you will never see me coming. I walk the shadows like darkness itself. I hide in the corners where nobody looks. I live by no rules, I have no boundaries, I take no prisoners, and I never, ever blink. I am not your knight in shining armor; I’m your worst nightmare.

My name is James Fenici and you are my target. Only one of us is getting out alive, and that’s not gonna be you. Once your name is on my list, your life is over. It’s a deal I make with death, it’s a contract I sign in blood, it’s forgone conclusion—get used to it.

My name is James Fenici and I’m as dirty as they come. But then one day I saw her. And every monster I thought I was. Every fact I thought I knew. Every dirty promise I ever turned down came back to slap me in the face.

My name is James Fenici and I think I am in love.

Buy The Book

come cover


Title: Come (Dirty, Dark, And Deadly #2)
Author: JA Huss
Genre: Erotic Suspense
Release Date: July 21, 2014


come back


“Secrets keep the darkness alive,” Harper tells me. But that’s not how I see it at all. Secrets keep me alive. The truth is overrated. Honesty is never the best policy. And everything you know absolutely can hurt you.

The contracts I fulfill are just agreements. Death is a business deal. Secrets are currency in my world. I pay my debts with them. I feed on them. They ground me in the present and they promise me a future. I’ve lived a life filled with secrets for so long—I forgot what it’s like to… feel.

Until I saw Harper. Until I saw how beautiful she’s become. How perfect, and pure, and innocent of all the ugly that goes on around her. And that dirty promise I refused the night her father turned me into a killer twelve years ago is suddenly on the table again.

Harper can be mine. No—Harper will be mine. All I have to do is complete the mission.

Death is a business deal.

And I just shook his hand.

cb full

About The Author

JA Huss is the USA Today best-selling author of the Rook and Ronin series, the epic science fiction I Am Just Junco series, and hundreds of kid-friendly science books in subjects such as biology, physics, anatomy and physiology, astronomy, and forensics. She has an undergraduate degree in equine science and a master's degree in forensic toxicology. She has never taken a creative writing class and she hopes she never will.


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June 24, 2014

Release Blitz:The Saint by Tiffany Resiz and Beyond the Velvet Rope by Tiffany Ashely

at 6/24/2014 11:43:00 AM 0 comments
All About the Tiffanys Banner1

It's All About The Tiffanys!!
The Saint by Tiffany Reisz & Beyond The Velvet Rope by Tiffany Ashley
Release date: June 24th

The Saint cover

The Saint by Tiffany Reisz


Before she became Manhattan's most famous dominatrix, Nora Sutherlin was merely a girl called Eleanor…

Rebellious, green-eyed Eleanor never met a rule she didn't want to break. She's sick of her mother's zealotry and the confines of Catholic school, and declares she'll never go to church again. But her first glimpse of beautiful, magnetic Father Marcus Stearns—Søren to her and only her—and his lust-worthy Italian motorcycle is an epiphany. Eleanor is consumed—yet even she knows being in love with a priest can't be right.

But when one desperate mistake nearly costs Eleanor everything, it is Søren who steps in to save her. When she vows to repay him with complete obedience, a whole world opens before her as he reveals to her his deepest secrets that will change everything.

Danger can be managed—pain, welcomed. Everything is about to begin.

The Velvet Rope cover

Beyond The Velvet Rope by Tiffany Ashley


Welcome to Club Babylon: where the A-list VIPs come to play

Scoring a gig at Miami's Club Babylon is a fantasy come true for New York promoter Thandie Shaw. The hottest club on the strip is a magnet for major South Beach movers and shakers. And Thandie's about to meet the biggest player of them all.

Babylon owner Elliot Richards is macho, arrogant, sexist—everything Thandie doesn't want in a boss or lover. Elliot is also the most erotic man who's ever wanted to take her to bed. But Thandie's no fool. Even as he tries to seduce her into a world of intense and shocking passion, she knows it's too good to last…especially after she uncovers Elliot's explosive secrets.

Thandie's going down a dangerous road, and she's risking a lot more than her career. Torn between doubt and desire, will she have to pay the ultimate price?

Darkly sensual and deeply moving, Beyond the Velvet Rope takes you into a world of uncontrollable desire and unexpected consequences.

About The Authors

Tiffany Reisz

Tiffany Reisz

Tiffany Reisz is the author of the highly acclaimed series The Original Sinners. Her first novel, THE SIREN, won the RT Editor's Choice Award for Best Erotic Romance of 2012. Slightly shameless, Tiffany dropped out of a conservative Southern seminary in order to pursue a career as a writer. This move, while possibly putting her eternal salvation in peril, has worked out better than she anticipated. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her boyfriend, author Andrew Shaffer.

Tiffany Ashley

tiffany ashley

As a child, Tiffany always dreamed of writing her own novels. Having possessed a passion for books, her desire to become a published author is now a reality. Her first novel, Love Script, released in 2007, received rave reviews. Known for her steamy and sometimes emotionally exhausting interracial romances, Tiffany looks forward to a long and adventurous career. Tiffany lives in Dallas, Texas where she continues to write her novels.


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June 23, 2014

Release Blitz: Cover Me by Carrie Elliot

at 6/23/2014 01:16:00 PM 0 comments
Cover Me Banner

Title: Cover Me
Author: Carrie Elliott
Release date: June 23rd, 2014


cover me


Derek Bast, always has the final say. In business and in his personal life, things are done his way, or not at all. So when a scathing review of his new band is published in The Scene and has his record producer second guessing his artistic choices, his band mate trying to call the shots, and Bast’s manager convinced he’s impossible to work with, it’s time to hunt down the source of his problems: Bess Halprin, reviewer for The Scene, the girl next door growing up, and his ex-best friend since senior year when she decided to hate him for no reason.
The last person Bess Halprin wants to see standing in the lobby of The Scene is Derek Bast. Unfortunately, she can’t deny that the last nine years look damn good on him. She expected to hate him. She didn’t expect the way he can still tug at her emotions, or the way his kiss—and his hands—set her on fire. Bess should’ve kept her distance, because Bast was right when he guessed her review was written for revenge. The problem is, to this day he has no idea what he did—how he screwed her over their senior year. The bigger problem? She’s giving him the opportunity to do it again, because she never could resist him.
When circumstances bring them both home to Santa Cruz, Bast earns his way into the heart of the girl next door, but when they return to L.A. and real life rushes in, will he be able to keep her this time or are the mistakes in their past destined to be repeated?


When the hell did Bess get so feisty? I thought I had her there for a minute. She was so close to giving in. Jesus, with any other woman, I’d already be in a room upstairs, naked and sweaty.
That wasn’t something I’d ever wanted before with Bess, so it was a strange thought. There was the one time we kissed and it was as much a shock to me as it was to her. I didn’t even remember who initiated it, but both of us agreed it wasn’t something that should happen again, so that couldn’t be what she was pissed about.

Why had we agreed it shouldn’t happen again?

Oh, right, because she wasn’t whoever she was now. This Bess was a temptress, intentional or not. Her hair was silky soft, her scent somewhere on the side of floral, but with hints of vanilla that made me want to lick her like an ice cream cone. And those freaking glasses. My God, I wanted to fuck her in her thigh highs, red heels and black-rimmed glasses.

I downed half my Jameson to settle down. The point of this meeting was to get her to retract her review, not to get her out of her skirt. She’d already shot down my attempt at that anyway.

I hadn’t planned on the word vomit that came out about the day she left for college or Christmas Eve. It pissed me off, though. No matter what happened between us, no matter that we didn’t talk all senior year, she was leaving—going away—and I figured whatever went wrong between us would be put aside to say goodbye. Apparently, she’d ridded herself of me long before then.

Too bad for her, I was back and not going anywhere until I had answers and a retraction of the review she admitted had a personal slant to it.

I slammed back the rest of my drink, heard her heels clicking on the tile floor toward me, spun around and stood up.

“Ready?” she asked.

“For dinner. I’m starving.”

She heaved a sigh and gave me an exaggerated blink. “It’s been nice catching up. Good luck to you, Derek.” Then she turned and headed for the lobby.
“Where do you want to eat?” I asked, not letting her off the hook. I glanced down at my jeans and t-shirt. “I’m not really dressed for anything too fancy, but I remember you love a good burger.”

She stopped and faced me, let her eyes wander over my face, then down to my chest, my waist, my legs. When she looked back up her expression was odd, almost sorrowful. “What?” I asked.

Bess shook her head slightly. “I don’t want to regret this.”

Her words were heavy with meaning. I wasn’t sure I was ready for that much meaning. “It’s only dinner.”

She reached up and put a hand on my shoulder. “It’s never only anything with you.”

I wasn’t sure she meant that in a good way or a bad way. Maybe she didn’t know either. “Burgers then?”

Bess let her shoulders relax and her mouth shift into a smile. “Burgers.”

She turned and strode toward the doors. “Forgiveness?” I asked.

“Not on the menu,” she said, flinging the words over her shoulder.

“Maybe not tonight…” I said.

“Maybe not ever.” She smiled at the doorman as we passed.

About the Author

Carrie Elliott2

Carrie Elliott is the author of the rock star romance, Cover Me and its follow-up, the short story Listen To Me (available free to newsletter subscribers after July 23: http://eepurl.com/SYvZD). She lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids, is forever remodeling and undergoing a DIY projects, loves to read and hates to cook. Coffee and dark chocolate are her writing fuel and she’s stocking up! Look for more hot guys and feisty women to come!

June 19, 2014

Release Day Blitz: Wrecked by Emily Snow

at 6/19/2014 10:30:00 AM 0 comments
Happy Release Day to Emily Snow and her new book WRECKED!


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iTunes† Kobo


Two years ago, Evie’s sister died, leaving her lost. Existing without really living. Coping the only way she knew how: by wrecking things.

Last year, Evie exposed her dad’s affairs, finished ripping apart her relationship with her longtime boyfriend, and completely ruined her music scholarship.

But today, she’s reinventing herself at her new university. Desperate to break away from all the destruction she’s caused, Evie’s ready to start over. For her sister, who never even had a chance. And for herself.

Then Rhys, her new voice instructor, happens.

He’s gorgeous and insanely talented, but he’s also a part of the dark past Evie is trying to overcome. Rhys’s brother is the reason why her life went up in flames, the reason why Lily, Evie's sister, is dead. But even though Rhys is the last person Evie should ever want, for the first time in two years, wrecking things seems…right.

*WRECKED is a standalone novel and is not a part of a series*

Chapter 2
“I don’t think I can go,” I tell my mom, looking directly at her, wanting nothing more than for her to meet my gaze. She won’t—I already know that—because looking at me would mean facing the inevitable.
Lily’s gone for good.
Mom drums her French-manicured fingernails on the thatched placemat, the beat uneven and rushed. “The car will be here to pick us up in an hour.” Her hazel eyes, red-rimmed and swollen, focus on the kitchen window. From the looks of it, she’ll start crying again at any second.
Five more drums of her fingers. A sniffle. Then two last beats.
She turns her head slightly in my direction, still refusing to look at me, but I get a clear view of her face. My mother’s always been beautiful, and even with her skin splotchy from crying and her short, chestnut-colored hair uncombed, she’s still stunning in that tragic, ethereal sense. “The car comes in an hour,” she repeats before pushing away from the kitchen table and shuffling away. Even though it never left her mouth, I know the precise word that’s rolling through her mind as I hear her climb the steps and slam her bedroom door.
Maybe she’s right. But maybe, if she’d just looked at me, she would have seen that selfishness is rooted in an even deeper emotion: fear.
I don’t want the last time I see my sister to be … this.
That’s not a memory I think I can deal with and I'm scared to hell of it.
But in the end, my dad stalks into the kitchen and motions for me to follow him. He gives me a gentle nudge toward the staircase with the instructions to get dressed and do it fast. Skin flushed, I find myself in my room. By the time I’m finished there are clothes all over the place and my chest is heaving up and down. I glare at myself in the mirror, at my chocolate brown eyes that are clear because I’ve been too numb to cry.
Eyes like Lily’s.
“You selfish bitch,” I mutter and make myself look away. “You’ve ruined everything.”
On the way to the funeral home, none of us say a word to each other. The closer we get, the more and more I don’t mind the silence. Maybe quietness, solitude, is what I need to make it through today.
I sit on the front row with my parents, unable to cry or breathe or think straight as one-by-one, people who knew my sister—who adored her—tell us how sorry they are. There’s her overachieving snob of a best friend, Kendra. The boy who broke Lily’s heart a year ago, the same one who tried, unsuccessfully, for the last year to win her back. There are teachers and teammates and her closest friends. There’s my own boyfriend, James. When he walks past, he stops for just a moment to give my hand a reassuring squeeze, but I don’t say anything to him.
I don’t trust my words.
*** So I continue to watch in stunned silence. There are so many people here that I don’t know that I barely notice the tall man who stops to talk to my parents. He’s speaking in a hushed voice, but the second, “Owen Delane’s brother” tumbles from his lips, my gaze snaps up. I don’t see very much of him through the sudden haze of tears, but I listen to every word, each one catching my breath.
“…so sorry for what happened. For what this has done to your—”
Before he can finish, my mother—the woman who’s never physically disciplined us a day in our lives, the same woman who hasn’t been able to look me in the eye since the afternoon the officers showed up to our house with the news—is on her feet, her eyes meeting his as she swings her hand roughly across his face.
“What gives you the right to think you can come here?” she demands, shrugging off my dad who stands and tries to take her by the shoulders. “Will it help you sleep better at night? Do you think I care if you or your brother is sorry?” With every word, her volume rises, until she’s practically screaming.
Every emotion that Delane is feeling passes over his tan face, and I can’t help but to feel for him, the brother of the man who killed my sister. Forcing my eyes down long enough for me to catch my breath, I dig my fingers into the pew beneath me. What happened to Lily wasn’t this man’s fault. Surely Mom knows that. But the more I try to reason with myself, the more bitter I feel. ***
When I look back up, Delane’s back is straight and his expression is unreadable. His eyes sweep over me for a brief moment, just long enough for him to give me a solemn nod, and then he turns on his heel and walks away. I know every head inside the funeral home is turned on him, so I look at my mother instead.
My father has pulled her back down to a sitting position, and she buries her face in the crook of his neck, sobbing uncontrollably. Dad looks ahead—quiet and tearless—his gaze pointed on the white casket that’s not even ten feet away from us. And behind us, I know there’s more crying. Hushed whispers because my mom just decked a guy. I can’t hear any of it. There’s a blaring in my ears. A pressure sitting on my chest.
And suddenly, I’m on my feet, my gaze pointed down at my parents. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper, finally breaking my silence.
I don’t fully realize that I’ve left the building until the brisk fall air knocks me in the face. It, combined with the tears that have begun to fall, stings my cheeks. A second after my foot touches the bottom step I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder. I half-expect it to be my father, but when I spin around, I come face to face with Kendra.
In spite of everything she must be going through herself, her eyebrows are pulled together over her dark brown eyes in concern over me. And I’ve been nothing but a bitch to this girl since she and my sister became friends in middle school. Kendra presses her lips together and then lets out a breath. “Evie … where are you going?”
The sad reality is, I don’t even know. “Oh God, Kendra. I’ve fucked everything up.” Immediately, she wraps her arm around me, drawing a gasp, and a sob, from the back of my throat. I drop my head against her shoulder. “I don’t even have the—”
“Shut up,” Kendra orders in a calm voice as she holds me even tighter. “Shut up and stop trying to do this on your own. You shouldn’t.” She releases me, takes a step back, and braces herself. “I don’t want to do it on my own either, okay?”
For the next ten minutes, she and I sit together on that bottom step. Neither of us says a word, and I’m almost certain neither of us manages more than a few breaths, but she doesn’t leave and I won’t either. Finally, at the sound of Lily’s favorite Regina Spektor song—the one I’d suggested we use for the slideshow—Kendra stands and jerks her head to the front door of the funeral home.
“Hey, Evie?” she whispers tearfully. “We can help each other, okay?”
Nodding, I stumble to my feet, brushing my palms over my skirt to smooth off any dirt. But as I go back inside and take my spot beside my parents, letting a song about not saying goodbye burn into my brain, I can’t help but wonder what Owen Delane’s brother would have said if he’d finished speaking.
Emily Snow is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the erotic romance series Devoured, which includes Devoured, All Over You, and Consumed, as well as the new adult novel Tidal. She loves books, sexy bad boys, and really loud rock music, so naturally, she writes stories about all three.


June 12, 2014

Release Day Blitz: In His Silks by Patricia D. Eddy

at 6/12/2014 12:02:00 AM 0 comments
Available Now!
Title: In His Silks
Author: Patricia D. Eddy
Release Date: June 10, 2014
Genre: Erotic Suspense


Elizabeth Bennett never dreamed that a sudden downpour could change her life. When she falls across the feet of Boston's richest playboy, Alexander Fairhaven, that's exactly what happens. Rescued from the rain, Elizabeth finds herself in Alexander's limo, unable to stop him from seeing through the pain that's made her strong but kept her alone.

Alexander recognizes the untrained submissive inside Elizabeth immediately. The golden-haired beauty consumes his thoughts and dreams like no woman ever has. He wants her in his silks, bound to his bed, screaming his name as he pleasures her. Can a woman with her strength and her scars trust him to be her Dom? Can she trust him with more?

When danger comes for Elizabeth, Alexander is there. Forced to rely on this man who both thrills and frightens her, will she embrace her submissive side? Will she give him her trust? Her heart? Will she let Alexander bind her In His Silks?

*This book is for mature audiences only due to several hot scenes of bondage, spanking, and mind-shattering orgasms. All participants are over 18 and all sex is completely consensual.

Purchase the Book


Amazon US  |  Amazon UK  |  Amazon AU  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo 


The snow started to fall around mid-afternoon, but she barely noticed. Her back ached. The tension behind her eyes spurred her on. After dinner, she brought her laptop to bed. She was surrounded by tax forms that she’d printed out from the Internet and filled in from memory. She’d checked and rechecked the math and she knew that she’d filled out the returns correctly in the first place. It hadn’t been her mistake. At least not when it came to the Red Sox. So why had they paid more than three million extra in taxes? She was so distracted by the numbers that she didn’t see the caller ID when she answered the phone.


“Elizabeth. I have missed hearing your voice.” Alexander’s deep tones sounded odd, echoing over the line, but the joy in his voice was hard to mistake.

“Oh, hi. Are you still in London? You sound so far away.”

“As do you, chérie. But not physically. You are distracted. Another book?”

“No, I’m—” This wasn’t his concern. If he knew, he’d interfere. Rich and powerful men were like that, she’d learned long ago. Her father never could leave well enough alone either. “It’s nothing. It was a long day.”

“What did you do? And, if you would indulge me, are you in bed?”

“Excuse me?”

Alexander cleared his throat. “It is 7 a.m. here, Elizabeth. I am sitting here in my hotel room after another sleepless night aching to know what you are doing. What you are wearing. Anything about you. I cannot stop thinking about you.”

“Alexander, we can’t do this. I’m . . . what I mean to say is that . . . shit. Men like you don’t date women like me. You shouldn’t be thinking about me at all.”

“Women like what? Intelligent? Witty? Am I some sort of cretin? An ogre with such poor manners that I would embarrass you at dinner?”

“No, but I’ve been in your type of social circle before. Long ago. You need someone who’ll stand up to scrutiny in the press. Someone who doesn’t live on Hollander Street and shop at Goodwill. Regardless of my former station in life, right now I don’t have a job and my bank account is hemorrhaging.” And I’m involved in a sticky situation with your accounting firm.

“I do not care what your financial situation is,” he snapped. His voice softened. “That came out wrong. I care very deeply that you are struggling, Elizabeth. But not for the reasons you believe. Do you know how long it has been since I found a woman I could converse intelligently with? A woman who did not want me only for my bank account? My position in life?”

“I don’t know. The society pages aren’t my home. They’re yours. Didn’t you date Pippa for a time? How am I supposed to follow that?”

“You don’t have to. Pippa is a dolt and a bore. I did accompany her to the theater once at my mother’s urging, The Book of Mormon, but Pippa found it offensive and boring. I thought it was hilarious. Nary a peck passed between us.”

“You don’t have to justify yourself to me, Alexander. I’ve no claim on you.” She didn’t want to hear about his dates, whether they were innocuous or salacious.

“Bugger it. Can we simply chat? I have several social obligations this morning, none of which promise to offer me anything stimulating in the way of conversation. Being needled by my mother’s old bitty friends is not my idea of a rousing good time. I hoped you would provide a bright spot in my day. A bit of sunlight amid all of this dreary rain we are having in London. And I hoped that you would agree to have lunch with me on Monday when I return.”

“It’s not a good idea,” she said quietly.

“Lunch is almost always a good idea.”

Elizabeth couldn’t stop herself from laughing at the matter-of-fact tone he’d used. “Touché. Skipping meals is often a necessity, but never a good idea. Still, what are you expecting from me?”

He deflected. “I enjoy hearing you laugh. Will you stay up for a bit? I realize it is late there.”

“I don’t have a job. There isn’t exactly a reason for me to get up early in the morning. Why will your mother’s friends needle you?”

“Because I am thirty-five-years-old and have not had a relationship that lasted more than three dates in almost a decade. My mother is nearly eighty-four now and she feels as if she is entitled to a grandchild. Neither my brother nor I are inclined to give her one.”

“Your brother is older?” She set aside her laptop. River had taken residence on the piles of papers she’d been working on. Elizabeth slid down so she was curled on her side and laid the phone on her ear. The cat rolled over and purred.

“Yes. He just turned forty. We both have certain . . . unconventional requirements in a partner. Nicholas needs a woman with an extreme submissive nature. He lives his life as a Master. You know what that is, yes?”

“You’re talking about BDSM.” Something in Elizabeth’s core warmed at the thought, but she didn’t know why. She’d always preferred her sex vanilla and quick. Orgasms were nice, but they were messy and usually left her wanting.

“Yes. But while Nicholas wants a complete power exchange, I do not. I prefer a true partner. One who enjoys my silks, the tools I use as a Dom—for I am one as well—but who does not wish me in control of her life outside of the bedroom. Only her sexual satisfaction.” His voice oozed heat and Elizabeth squirmed under her cheap cotton sheets.


“Does this frighten you, Elizabeth?”

“No. Because I’m not the one for you. I’m not a submissive, Alexander. I’ve thought that it might be fun to be blindfolded once or twice, but that’s as far as I’d ever take it.”

“You are indeed a submissive, chérie. I knew it the very first time I spoke to you. When I return . . . I will show you the truth of your nature, if you will allow it. I admit that the vision of you in my silks has haunted my dreams each night since we met. Perhaps this is why I have not slept.” He sounded amused. A knock echoed through the phone. “I will be a moment, Elizabeth. I believe my breakfast has arrived.”

Elizabeth hung up on him. How dare he? She was no one’s plaything or wet dream. Especially not his. She fired off a quick text.

I’m not yours, Alexander. If you’d like to ‘chat’ as friends,
that’s one thing, but nothing will ever come of it.
No more talk of sex, or submissives, or whatever the hell your silks are.
And stop fantasizing about me when you jerk off. I’m going to bed now.

The phone rang again immediately, but Elizabeth sent it to voice mail. Two more texts came through.

Please do not deny me the only light I have had in my days,
Elizabeth. Your voice, your wit, your sense of humor.

I am sorry that I have offended you. You unsettle me.
A feeling I am quite unused to.

She turned the phone off completely.

About the Author

Patricia D. Eddy has been a writer all of her life. She used to sit at her parents' kitchen counter at an Apple IIe typing out short stories. She even wrote a few on their old typewriter. But it wasn't until NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in 2011 that she ever came close to finishing a story she started.

Once that dam broke, the flood waters never receded. Patricia sits down to write every evening after dinner and quite often sees midnight come and go before she heads to bed. She doesn't sleep much. But she wouldn't have it any other way.

In her spare (HA!) time she runs, bikes, swims, yogas, pilates-es, reads, and is terribly addicted to Doctor Who and Sherlock. Apparently she has a thing for quirky British men.

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June 11, 2014

Book Blitz: Unsurpassed by Charity Parkerson

at 6/11/2014 07:30:00 AM 0 comments
Title: Unsurpassed
Author: Charity Parkerson
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Release Date: April 16, 2014
Genre: Contemporary erotic romance
Series: Book 1 in the No Rival series



Aubree is infatuated with two men, Max and Ryan. The two former Marines have been her close friends ever since she made her first misguided attempt at joining their kickboxing classes. When the pair invites her to join them at a weekend party thrown by Drew, a famous MMA champion, she has no idea what they have in mind. After spending one hot ménage night with the pair, Aubree learns the men's intentions are not all about her. Feeling betrayed, Aubree turns to Drew who is also tugging at her heart. She must choose between the two men who have been the center of her fantasies, and the one man who could make all her dreams come true.

Inside Scoop: This sexy tale includes a ménage and male/male encounters that may leave you wishing for an alpha male fighter of your own.


Leaning against the cool wood of the hotel room door, she met his stare trying hard not to smile like an idiot.

“This was fun.”

Drew’s eyes flashed. “If you ask nicely, I’ll let you take me to bed.”

She shook her head at his antics. “What if I’m not feeling especially nice?”

Drew brushed his hand over her hip. “You’re right. You do feel naughty,” he agreed. Holding her stare, he bent closer, giving her time to protest his advance. The door opened at Aubree’s back. If she hadn’t hit the solid wall of Max’s chest, she might have ended up sprawled across the floor. Tilting back her head, she took note of the angry expression on Max’s face before switching her gaze back to Drew. His eyes danced with humor as he mouthed, “Denied,” and Aubree slapped her hand over her mouth to smother her giggles.

“Have a nice night, Drew.” Drew ignored Max’s snarling words.

“May I see you again?”

“I’d like that,” she answered without hesitation. Max growled. At the sound, Drew flashed him a cocky grin before giving her a wicked version of it and turning away. As soon as he moved out of the doorway, Max slammed it closed, focusing his ire on her. She’d never seen him truly angry before now. She laughed nervously.

“Are you drunk?”

“No,” she answered, incredulous. “I’ve had two glasses of champagne all night.”

“Your face is flushed.”

Aubree shrugged. “I’m happy. I had a good time.”

Max prowled toward her. The hard set of his jaw caused a flutter of desire to run through her. “Did you forget who you came here with?”

Unable to think of a single retort, she shrugged again. “I’m young and single. Why shouldn’t I enjoy myself?”

Max’s eyes flashed dangerously. His tone had a bite to it when he spoke. “You are not single.”

Buy the Book

Unsurpassed: 1 (No Rival)

Undaunted: 2 (No Rival)

About the Author

Charity Parkerson is an award winning and multi-published author with Ellora's Cave Publishing, Midnight Books, and Punk & Sissy Publications. Born with no filter from her brain to her mouth, she decided to take this odd quirk and insert it in her characters.

*2013 Readers' Favorite Award Winner
*2013 Reviewers' Choice Award Winner
*ARRA Finalist for Favorite Paranormal Romance
*Five-time winner of The Mistress of the Darkpath
*Named one of the top 10 best books by an Indie author in 2011- Paranormal Reads Reviews
*Best Paranormal Romance of 2012- Paranormal Reads Reviews
*Quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald as an authority on Independent Publishing.

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