April 30, 2014

Cover Spotlight with Teaser: Fake It by Jennifer Chance

at 4/30/2014 01:43:00 AM 0 comments

Jennifer Chance and Loveswept are thrilled to share the hot cover and first-look teaser of FAKE IT, the second book in the Rule Breakers series published by Loveswept!

From Jenn: “This cover is perfect for Jake--right down to the biker-inspired smoky blue flame background behind the title. It really shows that Jake and Anna's adventure will be quite a ride!”

Read on for more about FAKE IT and a super sexy teaser!

Jennifer Chance
Published by Loveswept
July 1, 2014
ISBN: 978-0-553-39228-9

As her sizzling new series continues, Jennifer Chance sparks some serious combustion between a sexy biker and a corporate go-getter who’s ready to let her hair down.

New grad Anna Richardson works hard—so hard that she’s given up having a romantic life. Anna has even convinced her friends that she’s dating an amazing guy—who they’ve simply never met. But now Anna has a wedding to attend and needs to produce the hottie she’s been lying about for the past six months. Enter Jake Flynn, her infuriating, motorcycle-riding, jaw-droppingly gorgeous neighbor, who’s more than willing to fake it for a weekend. In fact, Jake won’t be satisfied until things get real.

Though Jake is only playing the role of adoring boyfriend, he’s starting to feel the heat, and judging by Anna’s sweet blush, so is she. Letting chemistry this intense go to waste would be a real shame. Soon, though, the thin line between fantasy and reality fades. Jake may not be what every buttoned-up fast-tracker wants, but he’s sure as hell what Anna needs. And if she takes a ride with him, their adventure never has to end.


“Jake, the wedding would completely suck for you,” Anna protested. “My ex is a nightmare and you would hate all of my friends. You would think the whole thing is ridiculous—because it is.” He just watched her, maddeningly, his smile curving as she tried to sputter out her refusals. “You don’t want to do this. Trust me.”
“I just said I did.”
“But . . . you can’t . . . you wouldn’t . . .” Anna stopped, flustered. What was happening here? Was she actually turning down a viable date? “There’s so much you would have to memorize about Dave. There’s no way you’re going to want to do that.”
Jake just lifted his brows. “You know, for someone who’s just met me, you seem to know a lot about what I would and wouldn’t want to do.”
“I don’t! I mean, I can guess. But I just . . . can’t.” Anna swallowed. “Look, I appreciate it. If I strike out tonight, I’ll call you. How about that?”
“That sounds good.” Jake signaled to the bartender. “So I guess I should make sure you have my number, then.”
“Oh, well yes. I guess. Or, you know, I could just—” Before Anna could complete the sentence, Jake had a pen in his fingers. They were both leaning on the bar, their faces inches apart. He tipped the pen to its side, sliding its base alongside her jaw. The cool metal on her flushed skin startled her, and Anna’s gaze jumped to his. The challenge in his eyes was unmistakable.
“Hold out your hand, Anna,” he said, as if they weren’t in the middle of a crowded bar, in front of everyone.
“That’s not necessary,” she said quickly. “I have other people’s cards—you can just use—just write on one of those.”
His gaze grew hotter, more intense. “That’s no good,” he said. “You might lose it.”
Anna hesitated, then something was triggered deep inside her, and she felt a dangerous flicker of pleasure. She knew that flicker, remembered it from somewhere, even as life and work and responsibility had taught her to keep it doused, out of commission. It had been a long time since she’d let that fire burn.
But now Jake Flynn was positioned in front of her with gasoline and a blowtorch.
Someone cleared his throat beside them, and a disgruntled voice rang out. “Excuse me, I’m Gary, and your friend Lacey—”
“Take off, Gary,” Jake said without turning around. His gaze held hers. “Anna?”
Anna held out her hand, and Jake held her arm steady, cradling it with his fingers. Sensation rocketed through her at the intimate touch, intensifying sharply as she felt the smooth slide of ink on her skin. He wrote slowly, sensually, the pen tracing wickedly silken lines on the hypersensitive skin on the inside of her wrist, all the way down until he reached her palm. By the time he was finished, Anna was amazed she was still conscious. Then he glanced at her.
“Think it’s dry? Or should I blow on it?”


Jennifer Chance is the award-winning author of the New Adult series Rule Breakers. A lover of books, romance, and happily-ever-afters, she lives and writes in Ohio. Visit her website and find her on Twitter.

Connect with Jennifer Chance

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Promo Post: Siren's Call by Jessica Cage

at 4/30/2014 01:06:00 AM 0 comments

After being snatched from the street and drugged Syrinada wakes to find herself strapped to a bed with a predator in the next room. In a moment where she might have shut down and accepted her fate, a defense mechanism she isn't aware she possesses surfaces. Syrinanda struggles to understand the turn that her life has taken. What are these new powers and who can she turn to for guidance?
Malachi, a long time friend knows more about here than he has ever admitted. When he witnesses her tapping into this unknown source of power he steps in. There is more about him that she doesn’t know and now is the time to pull off the mask. He reveals to her that she is a Siren. But there is more to Sy's background, darker things, and for that reason she must stay hidden. But the call of the siren is a strong one and Sy finds herself incapable of denying her new urges. Now that she has brought attention to herself they must flee, but how long can you run before your demons catch up with you?


Tasha wasn’t there. That’s when I began to panic. What if something had happened to her? As the terror crept over me, I heard her; at least I thought I did. My friend sounded confused or drunk. I turned to see the alley; the entrance to it was at the back of the line. I poked my head around the corner and I saw him. For a second I froze because I recognized him. Yeah, he was a bit cleaner, less grungy looking, but it was really him. Number three in my sketches. He was there that night, when I was taken. I remembered him instantly, even though I only saw the side of his face. He had a scar right below his eye and his skin had that same odd tint of grey, the shade of the sick and dying.
Then I noticed he was hovering over something, no someone. I see her legs and then he shifted to the side and I see my friend, Latasha, lying on the ground. She looked scared, but mostly because she was too drunk to understand what was happening to her. He reached for her and I felt my blood boil.
“Hey!” I called out to him and he turned to me. “Get away from her.”
“And what are you going to do if I don’t?” He stepped towards me then stopped. “Oh, I remember you, the pretty one that got away.” He laughed.
“Leave her alone.”
“Or what? You haven’t told me. By the way, how the hell did you get away? What happened to Rodney?”
“Would you like to find out?” I ask, and I cannot understand why my question sounds more like a threat.
“Oh please baby, show me.” He grins and I see his teeth, they are yellow and decaying. His breath is strong enough to overtake the stench of mildew and garbage that lingers in the alley.
“I’ll show you.” The confidence in my strut as I walk over to him isn’t one that I recognize. It’s as if my body is acting separately from my mind.
I approached him slowly and he bucked out his chest. He was obviously proud and cocky; he actually thought that he was appealing. It was a sad display and I felt my stomach turn. Somehow I was able to stomach his stench long enough to get close. I touched his face and brought him closer to me.
“Oh yeah baby.” He groans.
I find it pathetic that just a touch got him so excited and that he actually thought that I would allow him to touch me. At least he preferred a willing victim to an unconscious one. I smiled at him, and I could actually taste his pleasure in the air. All that from a smile? I didn’t question the fact that I was tasting pleasure or that I could almost see it coming from him. The heat rose, waves of it, as his body temperature rose. Suddenly I was hungry, but not for food, for his lust, and his pleasure. Before I could stop myself, my lips were on his and I was kissing him hungrily. He was into it of course; he grabbed at me and pulled at my clothing. He grinded his body up against my own, and then he changed. He began to struggle, trying to pull away and yet pushing himself further into me. He wants me, and he wants to get away at the same time,
“Sy stop!” I heard him, behind me, Malachi. I released the man and it was a moment before I realized that he actually dropped to the ground when I let him go.
“What?” I screeched at Malachi. I was angry, and he had interrupted my pleasure.
“Look at what you are doing.” He said calmly. His hands were up to show he meant no harm.
I turned to the man; he looked different as he lay on the ground in front of me. His body was withered and old.
“What the hell?!”
“I will explain it to you, later. Now, we have to get the hell out of here.”


About the Author

I am a young mother who at one point gave up on my dream to be a writer because everyone told me there was nothing in it for me. After having my son, I questioned, how can I inspire him to follow his dreams, reach for the stars, if I do not do it myself. Yes I have made some mistakes, slip ups and all, (some very embarrassing), but instead of tucking my tail between my legs and running away to hide, I stepped back a bit, cleaned up my act and now I am hitting the pavement hard. I am inviting all who are interested to come along with me on my journey as I seek to grow and improve as a woman, a mother, and a writer.

April 29, 2014

Cover Reveal: Everything I Shouldn't by Stacey Mosteller

at 4/29/2014 12:43:00 AM 0 comments
EverythingIShouldn't Banner

Title: Everything I Shouldn't (Nashville Nights #2)
Author: Stacey Mosteller
Release Date: May 20, 2014
Cover Design by Ashley at Ashbee Designs (http://www.ashbeedesigns.com)
Cover Models – Kathy Riddle Hodge & Brandon Lowman
Photographer – Kathy Riddle Hodge & Ted Alley


It’s been eight days, sixteen hours and forty-seven minutes since life as I know it ended. I know, it sounds so melodramatic and teen-soap worthy, but it’s the truth. Eight days, sixteen hours and forty-seven minutes since David found out. Since he kicked Jeremy out, ended their friendship and told me I could never see him again.

I didn’t plan on David getting suspicious, and I definitely didn’t plan on getting caught. My selfishness has cost Jeremy everything, my brother won’t even look at me, Lyric must hate me for practically blackmailing her to keep silent and my best friend is barely speaking to me.

Now my life is full of secrets and lies. The people around me have been affected by the choices I’ve made and the lies I’ve told. But what will they do when they discover the biggest secret of them all?

Jeremy is everything I shouldn't want, and the person I can't live without.



I've been in love with my brother's best friend, Jeremy, for as long as I can remember. Just saying the words aloud causes my heart to clench. I’ve never admitted it to anyone other than Olivia, but I knew she’d never tell a soul. She encouraged it actually, went out of her way to help me find sexy outfits to wear around him and helped me come up with some crazy plan to make him notice me. Those usually ended with him scolding me so they probably weren’t the best way to get his attention.

I’m not really sure when my feelings for him started changing. First, my love for Jeremy was the love any child has for her hero. My dad was always busy, and while, my brother David loved me, Jeremy was the one who kissed my knee when I fell off my bike, the one who taught me how to climb a tree, all the things my brother - who even as a teenager was over-protective of me - didn't want me to do. He never grouched about having to watch me like David did, he was always willing to play games with me and include me in whatever he and my brother were doing.

I was heartbroken when David went away to college, but the fact that Jeremy was gone too devastated me in a way that not even losing my parents did. All of a sudden I was alone. They both kept in touch after they left for school, at least at first. The phone call came every few days for months, but gradually became only once a month or less, especially after David came back for Christmas and argued with our dad. After that, the only time David would call was when he knew Dad was gone.

Then, when our parents died and everything fell apart; Jeremy was there to comfort me, to hug me, to dry my tears. That doesn't mean that my brother wasn't there, because he was. He was just stuck being the grown-up. David had to deal with funeral arrangements, lawyers, wills, the court and our grandparents.

Once Jeremy and David moved back home, David became more of a parent than a brother, and Jeremy made every attempt to fill that role. Unfortunately, my feelings for Jeremy were never that simple. The fact that he became as over-protective now as my brother is did nothing to discourage my growing infatuation with him. Up until recently though, Jeremy never gave any indication that he saw me as anything other than David's little sister.

I’ve been chasing after Jeremy since about a month after my brother moved back and brought him with him. We spent a lot of time together because he was trying to distract me from the life I was thrust into, taking me to the movies, hanging out, helping with homework… all the stuff that brothers do with little sisters. It didn’t take long for hero worship to turn romantic. But looking back, it’s clear I wasn’t the only one with a secret. At the time, I thought that the reason my brother didn’t react the same way Jeremy did when I really started dating was because he was so preoccupied with getting his business off the ground and raising me. Now, I can see that the reason Jeremy always did his best to scare away any guy I brought around was because he was jealous.

I imagined that convincing Jeremy to give me a chance, to really look at me like a woman, instead of his best friend’s baby sister would be impossible. But just when I thought I should give up, he kissed me. We continued our relationship in secret because I was afraid of what David would say and how he would react. It didn’t take much to convince him to keep it a secret, even though I know it bothered him to not be able to tell him.

I finally got everything I wanted, but I fucked it up royally. I lied to my brother, my best friend, even Jeremy. I was so concerned with what I wanted that I didn’t give anyone else a thought. Jeremy wanted me and maybe even fell in love with me, but now, everything I had, all the people who loved me; none of them are here. It’s all so completely screwed up, and I have no idea where to start fixing anything. Jeremy's friendship with David is ruined, my brother broke up with Lyric, Olivia won't even speak to me. I'm completely alone for the first time.

I have so much to make up for. I’m the hateful bitch who destroyed a friendship, made someone who could have been a friend lie to my brother, and I kept secrets and lied to my best friend’s face. I have no idea how to even begin to make things right, but I know I have to try.


I fucking knew this thing with her would blow up in our faces. I should have known better, but instead, I went for it. It’s always been SarahBeth for me, always. And not in a dirty old man way, don’t call Chris Hansen and To Catch A Predator because it’s not like that. When it started, I was jealous of David. He had a dad and a mom, which was already something I didn’t have, and then came SarahBeth. She was this tiny little thing with big eyes and curly blonde hair, I swear to God, she looked like an angel the first time David showed her to me. He was disgusted and pissed because she was crying all the time and taking all the attention. Meanwhile, I would have given anything to have the life he had.

As she got older, she worshipped her brother, and me by association. Following us around, trying to imitate us and running after us on her short little legs. By the time she was old enough to chase us, we were thinking about cars and tits not little sisters, and she drove David crazy. He’d get impatient and yell and she would cry. Big, fat tears that broke my heart, even back then.

We grew up, moved out and then moved on, leaving SB behind us. At least for a while. Then, the unthinkable happened. That night, it almost broke David. I think it did in some ways, but SarahBeth? Man, it destroyed her. In the blink of an eye she lost her parents. In a way, she gained a new parent in David because he took the “guardian” title to a whole new level. In fact, and it makes me feel like an asshole to say it, but I think Dave may have been more her father than her actual dad was.

When we moved back, David spent a lot of his time building his business. It was easier for me in a way because I just had to get hired. David built his job from the ground up, which took up the majority of his time, leaving me to entertain SarahBeth. We got extremely close during that time. I knew she had a crush on me, but I thought it was more hero worship than true romantic feelings. I was wrong.

The older Sarah got, the more beautiful she became. Gone was the tiny tomboy who wanted to follow us everywhere, and in her place was a beautiful woman. The more time I spent with her, the more I started noticing things about her; the smell of her hair, how soft her skin was. The more I noticed, the more I tried to stay away. The sister of my best friend shouldn’t be the girl I can’t stop thinking about. I did everything I could to distance myself from her, making excuses when she asked me to take her places, showing up with a date when I knew she would be there, even though I knew it would hurt her. The lengths I went to were atrocious and shameful, but I was trying to avoid this situation. Instead of thinking of her like a sister, I was thinking of her as someone I wanted to own. She became the girl I wanted to claim, to make sure everyone knew she was mine.

Finally giving in and taking her should have brought relief, but instead all it brought was more stress and in the end more heartache. I’m old enough to know better. Hiding things never works, secrets always come out. I wanted her more than I wanted his friendship, and look where it got me. He hates me, she’s devastated, and everything is completely fucked up.

I have to make things better; I need to fix this. Fixing my friendship with Dave and deserving SarahBeth is the only thing that matters to me now. He has to understand that hiding our relationship wasn’t to hurt him; we weren’t trying to deceive him. We were only trying to figure out how to tell him. David discovered us before we were ready, before we could figure out what to say to him. We should have just been honest from the beginning. If I had just gone to him before, explained that I do love her, that I will be good to her, maybe he would have given his blessing.

At least then, we would know. David’s reaction might have surprised us. Instead, I let the fear of losing his friendship, of no longer being like brothers color my reactions and influence my decisions. I’m done being afraid; I’m done hiding. Making him understand just how much I want to be with her, that she is it for me has become my top priority. Now I just have to figure out how to get him to talk to me without him kicking my ass.

Stacey Mosteller

Save Me From Myself (Nashville Nights #1)

Southern Seduction Box Set – featuring Never Wanted More (Nashville Nights #0.5)

About the Author

I am a wife and mom to 3 boys, ages 15, 14, and 8! After spending the first half of my life in a small town outside of Philadelphia, PA, my parents moved my brother and I to another small town outside of Greensboro, NC. I moved to Hickory, NC after marrying my husband. We dated a total of three months before getting married, and we’d known each other for a total of six! People thought we were crazy, but 2014 marks our 10 year anniversary, so it obviously worked out!



April 28, 2014

Blog Tour Promo Post: Wolf In Gucci Loafers by Tara Lain

at 4/28/2014 12:00:00 AM 2 comments

(Tales of the Harker Pack #2)

Socialite Lindsey Vanessen wants someone to love who will love him back — an impossibility for a gay, half-human, half-werewolf. Too aggressive for humans, too gay for wolves, and needing to protect the pack from human discovery, Lindsey tries to content himself with life as a successful businessman. But when someone starts kidnapping members of wealthy families, Lindsey meets tough cop Seth Zakowsy—the hunky embodiment of everything Lindsey wants but can't have.

Seth has never been attracted to flamboyant men. What would the guys in the department think of Lindsey? But intrigue turns to lust when he discovers Lindsey’s biting, snarling passion more than matches his dominant side. It might mean a chance at love for a cop in black leather and a wolf in Gucci loafers.

Available for purchase at 

Lindsey laughed and walked over to the end table beside his couch, grabbed the remote, and pushed Play. Piano music filled the room. “Hmm, the Chopin Piano Concerto for striptease? Maybe not.” He clicked again to Cher lamenting gypsies, tramps and thieves. “Now my orientation is showing.” Another click and La Babs crooned her heart out. Perfect.
He strolled to the center of the room, grabbed his silk neck scarf, and slowly pulled it from around his neck. He fluttered it a couple of times, then gripped it in his teeth as he shrugged out of the green leather jacket and tossed it on top of Seth’s clothes. He’d worn a black form-fitting sweater underneath, which he gripped at the hem, and, as he ground his hips, he pulled it one tantalizing centimeter at a time up his body. For a moment the sweater covered his eyes, but when he peeked out below, Seth stared at him with a glassy gaze and parted lips. He threw the sweater on the pile and, still biting the scarf, ran its ends over his shoulders and pecs.
Seth’s stroking got serious. “Man, you are beautiful. Graceful and slim with all these cool muscles teasing under the surface.”
Lindsey drew his brows together. “Too far below the surface, if you ask me.”
“Nah. Just right.”
Lindsey rested his hands on his waistband and did a big hip roll. As he bumped forward, he unbuttoned the fly and slid the zipper of his black jeans just far enough to let the fat head of his penis peep over. “Peekaboo.”
Seth shook his head. “You are one mass of sexy contradictions.”
As Lindsey lowered the zipper farther over his briefs, Seth pumped harder. Lindsey shook a finger. “Uh-uh, don’t start without me.”
Seth tightened his grip but stopped pumping.
With the zipper down, Lindsey hooked his thumbs in the top of the pants and pulled them over his hips. No sliding—they were too tight. Still holding the scarf between his teeth like a rose, he slid the pants to his ankles, stepped out of his Gucci loafers, and then out of the pants.
His cock strained the elastic on the boxer briefs, and he slid the tip of his finger around and around the exposed head of his dick.
Seth smiled. “Can I do that for you?”
“Very soon.”
He turned his back to the hunk on his bed and looked over his shoulder with a flutter of lashes. Good, he was paying strict attention. Lindsey placed his hands on the small of his own back, slid them into the tight teal briefs, and dragged them over his butt. Two quick twerks, then he slipped them to his feet, kicked with one foot, and they flew through the air and landed on a floor lamp.
Seth laughed. “I’m dyin’ over here. This may be more of a dance than I bargained for.”
Lindsey gazed over his shoulder. “If you don’t like the floor show, sir, we’ll refund your cover charge.”
Seth held up one hand—the other still gripped his cock. “No complaints. Not one.”
Still with his back to Seth, Lindsey pulled the scarf from his teeth and tied a strategic bow. As Babs sang something about being a woman in love, Lindsey raised one arm above his head, twirled on one foot, and presented his cock forward tied in a lavender silk scarf.

Seth sputtered. “I don’t know whether to laugh or come!”
Buy Links

About the Author

Tara Lain writes the Beautiful Boys of Romance in LGBT erotic romance novels that star her unique, charismatic heroes. Her first novel was published in January of 2011 and she’s now somewhere around book 23. Her best­selling novels have garnered awards for Best Series, Best Contemporary Romance, Best Ménage, Best LGBT Romance, Best Gay Characters, and Tara has been named Best Writer of the Year in the LRC Awards. In her other job, Tara owns an advertising and public relations firm. She often does workshops on both author promotion and writing craft. She lives with her soul­mate husband and her soul­mate dog in Laguna Beach, California, a pretty seaside town where she sets a lot of her books. Passionate about diversity, justice, and new experiences, Tara says on her tombstone it will say “Yes”!
You can find Tara at


Presented By

April 27, 2014

Release Blitz: Rakes in Tartan by Suz deMello

at 4/27/2014 12:08:00 AM 0 comments

Why do we love vamps?

In a word: they’re hot.

Like great chocolate, vampires are smooth, seductive and dangerous. They're invariably wealthy because they prey upon whoever they please and can steal for a living if they choose. Anne Rice's Lestat is the classic example.

And many female fans enjoy the fantasy of losing control to a sexy, dominant male. On top of that, our culture worships the young and the beautiful.

In my writing, I emphasize not only the vampires’ sensuality, but also their unnatural strength and speed. In Rakes in Tartan, my hero, Tor Kilburn, doesn’t box or fence to stay in shape, but he “flies”—or appears to. Here’s his version of taking a relaxing jog at night:

Tor stood on the roof of the manse he shared with Andrew. Though the home was centrally located near Piccadilly, the misty streets ’round about were deserted at this extremely late hour. The quarter-moon’s light struggled through the low-hanging fog and gleamed on damp cobbles and pavements. Few lamps broke the darkness. Silence reigned. Not even the turd wallopers were abroad, though the olfactory evidence of their foul cargo floated above the lanes.

He stretched, enjoying the freedom he felt, having stripped off the confining jacket and snug knee-breeches required for entry into Almack’s. Cloak flapping over plain trousers, he leaped to the next building, then to the next and the next. He landed squarely on a girder supporting the glass roof of the Burlington Arcade, knees half-bent.

He sprinted along the girder, then jumped again, arms spread wide. The breeze caught his black cape and helped him across Piccadilly, enabling him to land soundlessly on the roof of Fortnum and Mason.

He enjoyed his hobby as much or even more than he had in Oxford. ‘Twas a lively town but lacked the number and variety of buildings London boasted. Though he had become intimately acquainted with the several colleges comprising Oxford, the sameness of the Gothic architecture had lost his interest. London was large, diverse and highly entertaining...

Oh, and yeah: he’s hot.
Rakes in Tartan by Suz deMello  

Setting: London 1816

The social season promises both sex and danger for Torquil Kilburn and Andrew
MacReiver, Highland heirs arrived in London to seek brides. The Scotsmen must          
negotiate the complicated morés of high society to woo and win an exquisite
debutante and her passionate, unconventional mother while keeping their vampire heritage a secret.

But evil stalks the ballroom at Almack’s, the streets of Piccadilly, the drawing rooms of the ton. Headless bodies have been found drained of their blood, for another vampire haunts the streets of London, murdering noblemen. As he draws ever closer, Tor and Andrew must fight not only for love, but for their lives.

Buy it here

About the author

Best-selling, award-winning author Suz deMello, a.k.a Sue Swift, has written seventeen romance novels in several subgenres, including erotica, comedy, historical, paranormal, mystery and suspense, plus a number of short stories and non-fiction articles on writing. A freelance editor, she’s worked for Total-E-Bound, Liquid Silver Books and Ai Press, where she is currently Managing Editor. She also takes private clients.

Her books have been favorably reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist, won a contest or two, attained the finals of the RITA and hit several bestseller lists.

A former trial attorney, her passion is world travel. She’s left the US over a dozen times, including lengthy stints working overseas. She’s now writing a vampire tale and planning her next trip.

--Find her books at Website

--For editing services, email her at suzswift@yahoo.com
--Befriend her on Facebook: Facebook, and visit her group page at  Facebook Group
--She tweets her reading picks @ReadThis4fun and @Suzdemello
--Goodreads: http://bit.ly/SuzATGoodreads

April 25, 2014

Pasadena Teen Book Festival Blog Tour: Spotlight on Lissa Price

at 4/25/2014 03:00:00 AM 0 comments
Ahoy there peeps! I am so happy to be a part of this tour. Can't wait to meet everyone at tomorrow's event!

When: Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 12pm-4pm

Where: Pasadena Public Library, 285 E Walnut St, Pasadena, CA 91101

You can follow the Pasadena TBF on a various number of web platforms to keep updated on all the 411 for the event: 

The most IMPORTANT thing you need though is the link to get your free tickets! You can do that by clicking HERE. Don’t forget the best part: its FREE!
Like I said before, I am very fortunate to be a part of this tour, and to be a part of it twice! That’s very exciting. But more importantly, there are a ton of amazing bloggers out there, sharing spotlights on the various authors that are guests at the festival. 

Check out the tour list!

Fri April 4 - What a Nerd Girl Says - Spotlight on Andrew Smith
Mon April 7 – What a Nerd Girl Says – Spotlight on Margaret Stohl
Tue April 8 - Adventures of a Book Junkie - Spotlight on Amy Tintera
Thu April 10 - The Consummate Reader - Bridge to Books Guest Post
Mon April 14 - Nite Lite Book Reviews - Spotlight on Sarah Skilton
Tue April 15 - Nite Lite Book Reviews - Spotlight on Allen Zadoff
Wed April 16 - The Reader’s Antidote - Spotlight on Elizabeth Ross
Fri April 18 - A Bookish Escape - Spotlight on Ann Redisch Stampler
Tue April 22 - The Book Twins - Spotlight on Carrie Arcos
Thu April 24 - Birth of a New Witch - Spotlight on Katherine Ewell
Fri April 25 - The Consummate Reader (that's me!) - Spotlight on Lissa Price

Spotlight On Lissa Price

Photo Credit: Yolanda White

You can’t get them out of your head. . . . 

Callie lost her parents when the Spore Wars wiped out everyone between the ages of twenty and sixty. She and her little brother, Tyler, go on the run, living as squatters with their friend Michael and fighting off renegades who would kill them for a cookie.
Callie’s only hope is Prime Destinations, a disturbing place in Beverly Hills run by a mysterious figure known as the Old Man. He hires teens to rent their bodies to Enders—seniors who want to be young again. Callie, desperate for the money that will keep her, Tyler, and Michael alive, agrees to be a donor. But the neurochip they place in Callie’s head malfunctions and she wakes up in the life of her renter.
Callie soon discovers that her renter intends to do more than party—and that Prime Destinations’ plans are more evil than she could ever have imagined. . . .

Someone is after Starters like Callie and Michael—teens with chips in their brains. They want to experiment on anyone left over from Prime Destinations—Starters who can be controlled and manipulated. With the body bank destroyed, Callie no longer has to rent herself out to creepy Enders. But Enders can still get inside her mind and make her do things she doesn't want to do. Like hurt someone she loves. Having the chip removed could save her life—but it could also silence the voice in her head that might belong to her father. Callie has flashes of her ex-renter Helena's memories, too . . . and the Old Man is back, filling her with fear. Who is real and who is masquerading in a teen body?

No one is ever who they appear to be, not even the Old Man. Determined to find out who he really is and grasping at the hope of a normal life for herself and her younger brother, Callie is ready to fight for the truth. Even if it kills her.

Interview with Lissa!

CR: For anyone who has yet to read Starters how would you describe the main storyline?

LP: In a future Los Angeles, desperate teens rent out their bodies to seniors so they can be young temporarily. But one senior plans to do more than party; she plans to murder someone.

Told from the point of view of 16 year-old Callie, a girl trying to survive and protect her younger brother by renting out her body to a company called Prime Destinations. But she wakes up early, in the life of her rich renter, with a voice in her head warning her not to return to Prime – “It’s dangerous.”

The grandson of a senator comes to take Callie on a date that her renter had set up. Callie soon discovers it is his grandfather who her renter plans to use her body to kill.

Callie does all she can to prevent this assassination, while trying to discover why the chip implanted in her head is different from the others.  She soon finds out that she can trust no one and that no one is who they seem to be.

CR: How did you come up with the idea of teenage orphans renting themselves out as vessels?

LP: On my site I tell the story how I went to Costco to get a flu vaccine and there wasn’t enough because some of the batches had been spoiled at the lab. The government set up a triage system where only the very young and the very old got the vaccine because they are the most vulnerable. I thought, what is the logic in that, because if this happened to be a killer disease, then the only people left alive would be the very young and the very old – the most vulnerable members of society. What kind of world would that be? What if we were attacked then by an enemy country?

Once I had that world, I looked for conflict, for ways where the seniors, called Enders, would take advantage of the teens, called Starters. Stories without conflict are boring. I took what I saw in our world and made it bigger. Seniors today look at the teens and say, “Youth is wasted on the young,” meaning they don’t realize how lucky they are to have healthy, strong bodies. So since this is in the future, I thought to push that, the seniors would find a way to “borrow” their bodies for a while. The Starters are paid a lot of money for their time, so that’s why they’re willing to do this. It is the central concept, the premise that sets the stage for the entire story, and I use it as a vehicle to make some comments about our world today and how you can’t really judge someone by their exterior form.

CR: What are your plans for the Starters series?

LP: It was always meant to be a duology. Enders, the sequel, answers the questions and brings the story to a conclusion. However it does open up a door to new possibilities, and readers in the US and abroad have been asking me daily for a spin-off. There is more that I want to say about these characters.

CR: Who/What are some of your greatest inspirations?

LP: I love the work of the director Chris Nolan and I drew from Inception as well as other films like The Great Escape and The Matrix. I’m a fan of Shakespeare, fairy tales, fables and of course books like The Hunger Games.

CR: What is the first thing you would do if the Zombie Apocalypse came to pass?  

LP: Go find a sword – I’ve seen Walking Dead!


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