October 17, 2012

BLP #3: Dana Alma's Guest Post/Giveaway

at 10/17/2012 12:23:00 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm hanging out with my blogging bud, today!

Lisa, thank you so much for having me over. 

 Today, I have a review for Two Week's Notice by Rachel Caine 

and a Giveaway for one of your lucky winners.


Book 2
Revivalist Series

After dying and being revived with the experimental drug Returne, Bryn Davis is theoretically free to live her unlife—with regular doses to keep her going. But Bryn knows that the government has every intention of keeping a tight lid on Pharmadene’s life-altering discovery, no matter the cost. Thankfully, some things have changed for the better; her job at the rechristened Davis Funeral Home is keeping her busy and her fragile romance with Patrick McCallister is blossoming—thanks in part to their combined efforts in forming a support group for Returne addicts. But when some of the group members suddenly disappear, Bryn wonders if the government is methodically removing a threat to their security, or if some unknown enemy has decided to run the zombies into the ground…

I gave this book a 
Two Week’s Notice by Rachel Caine is morphing into a motley of undead twist and turns! Fabulous follow up to Working Stiff, book 1 in the Revivalist series. Bryn is back  and is coming to grips with her life as one of the undead. She knows that she is just one step away from becoming maggot chow if she doesn't keep taking Returné, the drug that keeps her among the living dead. She has joined forces with Patrick, Manny, and Joe and has begun a new life, one in which she no longer has to answer to Pharmadene for her daily fix.  Just when she thought she was making head way, wouldn't you know that Pharmadene rears it’s ugly head. Bryn will now help those who have just joined the ranks of the walking, talking, dead. Bryn still believes she will find her sister, who was kidnapped, but we still have unanswered questions.  Caine takes this story to new heights with new details emerging and keeps things steamy with Bryn and Patrick. I can’t wait for the next book in the series coming out in February, “Terminated”.    Excellent story, a must read, for fall.

The first book in the Revivalist series is titled

Buy Now!


Win Two Week's Notice fill out the form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Just in case you find yourself in need of a few books, check out what our

Mega Hallows Madness Cauldron

has in store for one lucky winner and make sure to sign up to Win!

Remember to watch 
 Fridays at @9:00 PM EST
Readaholics Anonymous

Today is the last day to sign up!


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Unknown on October 17, 2012 at 6:49 AM said...

Another one to add to my ever growing TBR list. Thanks Lisa and Dana for a great recommendation!

Unknown on October 17, 2012 at 7:34 AM said...

Adding to my TBR Mountain!!! Great Post!!!

Unknown on October 17, 2012 at 7:47 AM said...

Hmmm...fave undead movie...I don't think I've watched a zombie movie.

Unknown on October 17, 2012 at 10:38 AM said...

Ah, this is on my TBR! I love her Morganville Vampire Series. Can't wait to get to this one!

cAnDiE on October 17, 2012 at 11:03 AM said...

I agree Ladies- Another book added to the to-read shelf. :-)

Unknown on October 17, 2012 at 12:04 PM said...

Me too, I am now very interested in this series. I do not have a vampire movie.

pc on October 17, 2012 at 10:44 PM said...

Best vamp movie: Underworld
Best zombie movie: Fido

pc on October 17, 2012 at 10:55 PM said...

Halloween season---love candy corn and pumpkin everything!

Anonymous said...

Fav undead movie...gonna go comedy and oldie: Love at First Bite (George Hamilton, Leslie Neilson, Susan St.James) hilarious.

I love Rachel Caine...This series is set to be another winner for her. I have the first book, would love to win book 2....my tbr pile just getting taller....isn't it great!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of the Halloween season...cooler weather and little little kiddies dressed up and saying trick or treat!

sherry fundin on October 19, 2012 at 6:45 AM said...

I thinkthe neighbor is just a human. I have seen this book around and would love to read it. Nice cover. Thanks for the giveaway.


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